Thursday, 1 March 2012


witter is arguably the best platform to keep yourself updated with latest events, current affairs, hot prospects, and trending topics. Many avid Twitter users rely more on desktop clients rather than Twitter Web UI to keep tab on what their peeps are tweeting about and also to manage and view replies in a convenient way. If you’re fond of Twitter desktop clients with drop-dead UIs, like widely used Adobe Airbased TweetDeck, Seesmic, Sobees, etc., have a look at Metr
oTwit too.
MetoTwit is an ingeniously beautiful metro UI based Twitter client for Windows, having all the features one would expect from an all-in-one Twitter client. According to the dev team, the application is kept overly simple with intuitively designed multi-paned user interface to tweet, view, and manage your timeline, send direct messages, reply to your peeps, view current trends, categorize favorite tweets and retweets, and lot more.
After installing the application, click Sign in to begin the authorization process. Enter the verification code generated during the process in MetroTwit to sign in to your account. By default, it shows three panes containing your friends, mentions, and direct messages. Underneath these columns, tweet box is present which counts characters as you type. You can either manually refresh updates listed in each pane or let it automatically keep all the panes updated all the time. You can remove the columns to widen the overall space allocated to each pane, however, it also allows stretching the size of any pane.
The cross imaged button present in bottom left corner lets you add 4 more panes, which are, Public tweets, Favourite tweets, My tweets, and My retweets, and initiate Twitter and user profile search. All the default panes, if disabled, can be re-enabled by selecting their options from this menu.
MetroTwit posts live notifications on latest updates from your followers over system notification area.Adjacent to tweet box, you have options to load the list of your followers and to refresh the timeline to get latest updates.
It offers both white and black metro UI themes. From Settings window, you can switch between themes & theme accents, and tailor almost all the features and functions it has, ranging from tweets, timeline refresh interval, spell-check, auto-complete, desktop alerts and sounds, MetroTwit synchronization, URL shortening service and so on.
Furthermore, it also supports Windows 7 superbar thumbnail live preview function, letting you view latest unread updates, and refresh timeline from its taskbar icon.
Since it’s a .Net Framework 4 based application, you will find memory footprint relatively high when all panes are opened. However, during our testing, memory footprint remained stagnant around 75 MB with 3 default panes. It’s worth mentioning here that it’s in beta, so you can expect some functionality related bugs. We did find one with Twitter Trends feature.
It works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, provided you have .Net Framework 4 installed.

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