Sunday, 11 March 2012

How to Use Spam Blogs to Improve Your Rank

Scrappers are a big nuisance for bloggers who spend lots of time and effort writing quality
posts only to be stolen by these parasite websites and blogs which remain in the “auto publish” mode. If you have seen any “auto publish” plug-in for CMS and blogging platforms, you must be knowing that the name is an euphemism for stealing content from other websites and blogs.
A popular Indian author R.K. Narayanan has written a story about a young man who returns after completing his studies overseas, with a girl friend and a stroy-telling machine. The young man told his father that the machine would automatically write stories and would be a great success.
That was it in the story, but when it comes to the real world, there’s no machine that can automatically create articles for any website. It just does not exist. But then there is a plethora of “auto-published” websites feeding on content scrapped off websites that take pains to write an article. Sad part of the game is that sometimes these parasite websites can rank better than the original website.
How to prevent content scrappers from benefiting from your efforts and stealing your visitors from search engines? How to use spam blogs for improving your website’s SEO? The solution is pretty simple. Add hard link (link with complete URL) to the original webpage with in the content or at the end of each post in RSS feed. Now, When any website will auto-publish your content, they will provide a backlink to the article on your website This will tell search engines that you are the original source for the content and they will index your webpage for the relevant entry. This way you can enjoy link juice each time your content is scrapped.

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